
The power lies with the individual.

Do you feel the power within you to live life according to your own beliefs? Then this website is for you! We would love you to tell us what we can do to feel that power too.

Do you feel life can only be lived according to the rules "they" have implemented in your life, leaving you to feel completely powerless? Then this website is for you. Here you will find ideas and suggestions to make you think about how you can claim your power back.

Self-empowerment is not about fighting the enemy. It is about feeling empowered to live your own life. It is not about being the boss. It is about a freedom of mind. A mind that has released itself from the shackles of its past, from the place where it has adopted opinions and beliefs that have been used to hijack your life. Being imprisoned makes one feel helpless and powerless.

Self-empowerment is to free yourself from the conditioning that has stunted growth and encapsulated your life. When "protection" becomes a prison it is time to plan the Great Escape. Take your power back. Make your own decisions. Live by your own rules.

In order to find out what is required to do this we offer opinions and suggestions from a great variety of people on a great number of aspects of self-empowerment. We gather information to unearth the lies and half-truths that keep us a voluntary prisoner of fear. You are entirely free to use that information how you see fit.

Maybe here you find confirmation of things you have intuitively known for a while.
Maybe here you find ideas that enable you to make important changes in your life.
Maybe here you find answers to the practical questions of how to change the world, beginning with yourself.


And if we are all self-empowered individuals, all doing our own thing, how can we possibly live together? - By sticking to some simple rules. See what you feel about these.


Ten Commandments

for a New Constitution


1.     You shall allow another to live according to his or her beliefs as you have the right to live according to yours.

2.     You shall not worship in public as a belief is a personal matter.

3.     You shall not bend the truth.

4.     You shall stay truthful to the Self at all times.

5.     You shall be respectful towards your elders.

6.     You shall not take a life.

7.     You shall honour, respect and stand by your commitment to your life partner.

8.     You shall not take what does not belong to you.

9.     You shall not speak disrespectfully and dishonestly about another.  

10.  You shall not envy another.


Furthermore, you can watch a series of video recordings, where we explain the structure of life and how the reality of Nature provides us with the tools and the knowledge to free ourselves from imposed ideas and beliefs. We can empower ourselves with knowledge about the structure of Nature and the way it functions.

Available on YouTube:

Available on Rumble: robryder

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